UBC Law Review

UBC Law Review

& Franchise Law Review

Why do you need a banking operations manual?

 Of the many documents a bank must manage and possess, a banking operations manual is one of the most critical. Banks are one of the most age-old institutions in human society, descending from the old grain and resource storage facilities of ancient Egypt and Babylon, predating money itself. Banks are one of the institutions that… (read more)

Why a Bank Operations Manual is Critical

There are many reasons why a bank operations manual is very important. Banks are one of the oldest and heavily used establishments in history, aside from agriculture and common marketplace businesses. For centuries, banks have stored valuables, important documents, interests, and currency for people. Given the sensitive materials and items banks hold, and the need… (read more)

The Importance of Your Business Operations Manual

Unbelievable as it may sound, many franchisors failed to establish their franchises on the market simply because they failed to set up good business operations manuals. Whether or not you will use a Franchise Operations Manual Template for your business operations manual, getting it done in a professional way is of utmost importance for the… (read more)